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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Best Bacon Ever ---Hormel Natural Choice

Hormel Natural Choice really is the best bacon ever ....

As the bacon sizzled in the pan, I assembled toast, crisp lettuce and fresh sliced tomatoes. I know it's microwaveable too, but I like my bacon fried on the stove. It was hard to keep from eating it while I put my BLT together. I had to slap a few hands away from the delicious morsels.... my two teenagers smelled the aroma from across the house and raced into the kitchen to crowd around me. Packed with flavor and oh so very crispy ...I love the Hormel Natural Choice Bacon! It made a delicious BLT sandwich ...which I sliced in half and promptly devoured with a glass of orange juice while my teens fought over the remaining slices of bacon goodness. My kids and I love the bacon. Now it's their favorite brand and a must-have on my grocery list. I shared the coupons with my friends and gushed over how good it really is ... (one bite and they will be persuaded). The flavor is awesome.... I only wish that there were more in the package.

(Free sample of bacon from MyMagazinesharing/Kroger)